Cauchy-Riemann Equation and Holomorphic Function


A complex-valued function \(f(z)\) is said to be a holomorphic function if it is differentiable at every point in its domain.

By the way, let \(f(z)\) be defined as


where \(z\) is a complex variable, \(u(x,y)\) and \(v(x,y)\) are real-number functions, and \(x\) and \(y\) are real variables. The following two equations are collectively called Cauchy-Riemann’s equations.



You can determine the complex-valued function \(f(z)\) is a holomorphic function when \(u(x, y)\) and \(v(x, y)\) satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations above.


Are the following complex-valued functions \(f(z)\) and \(g(z)\) holomorphic functions?


First, substitute \(z=x+iy\) into \(f(z)=z^{3}\).


Compare this equation (1) with \(f(z)=u(x, y)+iv(x, y)\) and you can obtain the following formulas.



Calculate the derivative of \ (u (x, y) \) with respect to \(x\) and that of \(v(x, y)\) with respect to \(y\) respectively.

$$\frac{∂u(x,y)}{∂x}=\frac{∂}{∂x} (x^{3}-3xy^{2})=3x^{2}-3y^{2}$$

$$\frac{∂v(x,y)}{∂y}=\frac{∂}{∂y} (3x^{2}y-y^{3})=3x^{2}-3y^{2}$$

Therefore, we get the following equation.


Calculate the derivative of \(u(x, y)\) with respect to \(y\) and that of \(v(x, y)\) with respect to \(x\) respectively.



Then we get the following equation.


Equations (2) and (3) are the Cauchy-Riemann’s equations. From the above, \(f(z)=z^{3}\) is a holomorphic function.



First, substitute \(z=x+iy\) into \(f(z)=|z|\).


Compare this equation (4) with \(f(z)=u(x, y)+iv(x, y)\) and you can obtain the following formulas.



Then calculate the derivative of \ (u (x, y) \) with respect to \(x\) and that of \(v(x, y)\) with respect to \(y\) respectively.



\(v(x, y)=0\), so clearly the following holds.



To summarize so far, we can say the Cauchy-Riemann’s equations holds if the following two equations are established.



However, these Cauchy-Riemann equations are not possible at the same time.

First, if \(x+y≠0\), it is obviously impossible to simultaneously satisfy both equations. If \(x=0\) and \(y =a \ (constant)\), expression (3) is satisfied, but expression (4) is not satisfied. Then when \(x+y=0\), the denominator of the fraction becomes 0.

In conclusion, \(f(z)=|z|\) does not establish the Cauchy-Riemann equations in any \(z\), and is not a holomorphic function.

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